Monday, April 22, 2013

Error: Schema referenced by Map has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date.

One of my colleges started getting following error on the development machine:

Schema referenced by Map '<Namespace>.<MappName>' has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date. You must refresh the BizTalk Server group configuration before making further changes. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Administration.SnapIn)

The deployment script stop working as deploying any DLL using BTSTask.exe was causing the same error:

I figured out that this issue has been fixed for BizTalk Server 2010 as part of KB2516201 and suggested to install the Cumulative Update 1 for BizTalk Server 2010. But it turned out that installing the KB article was not helping in this scenario.

Apart from the bugs fixed in Cumulative Update 1 this error can be caused by one more reason which was the case in this scenario.

You can re-produce this error by following these steps:

Step 1: Create a BizTalk project and add 2 sample schemas to it.
Step 2: Create another project add reference to the above BizTalk Project and add a mapper and use the 2 sample schemas created in Step 1 as source and destination in this map.
Step 3: Deploy the solution to BizTalk.
Step 4: Add another sample schema to the project created in Step 1.
Step 5: Update the mapper created in step 2 and replace either the source or destination schema with the new schema created in Step 4.
Step 6: Deploy only the DLL for the mapper project only.
Step 7: Try to refresh the BizTalk group in the BizTalk Administration Console or use the BTSTask you will start getting this error.

So be careful when using the deployment script and in script try to deploy the assemblies having schema first and if the deployment of any BizTalk assemblies having schema have been failed then script should not  proceed further.

As BTSTask was not able to add/remove any resource so the entry for this mapper from the BizTalk Management DB was removed manually by executing the following queries in SQL management studio:

Step 1: Open the SQL management Studio and connect to the instance having BizTalkMgmtDb. Run this query:

SELECT [id] FROM [BizTalkMgmtDb].[dbo].[bts_item]
WHERE FullName = '<CopyTheNameOfTheMapFromErrorMessage>'

Step 2: Get the value of id and replace it in below query:

DELETE FROM [BizTalkMgmtDb].[dbo].[bt_MapSpec] WHERE itemid = <Value of id from above query>

It will delete the entry for map from the BizTalk Management Database now you can rectify the issue with your deployment script and can redeploy the solution.

Rohit Sharma

Friday, April 19, 2013

Installing 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) for BizTalk 2010

I didn't find any good reference on this so though of documenting the steps that worked for me

Step 1: Go to 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) Downloads page and download 64-bit ODAC 11.2 Release 5 ( Xcopy for Windows x64

Step 2: Unzip the file downloaded in Step 1 it to a folder location.

Step 3: Create a folder to install Oracle Client. I created C:\Oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit 

Step 4: Run the command prompt as Administrator and browse to location where the zip file was extracted in Step 2. 

Step 5: Install Oracle Instant Client and Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2 by executing the following command on Command prompt: 

install.bat odp.net2 C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit OraClient11g_home1 true

Step 6: Install Oracle Data Provider for .NET 4 by executing the following command on Command prompt:

install.bat odp.net4 C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit OraClient11g_home1 false

Note: Use the same name OraClient11g_home1 for Oracle home in all commands.

Step 7: Install Oracle Service for MTS by executing the following command on Command prompt:

install.bat oramts C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit OraClient11g_home1 false

Step 8: Add the install directory (C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit) and install directory's bin subdirectory (C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit\bin) to the system environment variable PATH.

Step 9: Create the system environment variable ORACLE_HOME and set it’s value to C:\oracle\ODAC_11_2_Release_5_64_Bit

Step 10: Copy over/Create the tnsnames.ora to/at default location %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin

Step 11: This step is optional if you need to change the language, territory or character set for the oracle client then in this case you need to change the value of registry key NLS_LANG available at path:


Note: If you have specified different name for oracle home instead of OraClient11g_home1 in above commands then you need to look for KEY_<OracleHome>

That's all you are done with installation. In my case I was using only 64-bit host for WCF-Oracle but if you want 32-bit host then you need to install 32-bit oracle client by follow the above steps but do create different folder.

Rohit Sharma